Monday, September 27, 2010

Collected articles about divination

I have been interested in divination for over 20 years now, and I am one of these people who collect every available piece of information there is, the more obscure it is, the better.

I won't be talking much about Astrology or Tarot cards, as there already is tons of information about those subjects. I will be speaking of the divination methods that are more unusual and less used.

acultomancy     divination using needles

aeromancy     divination by means of the weather

ailuromancy     divination by watching cats’ movements

alectormancy     divination by sacrificing a rooster

alectryomancy     divination by watching a rooster gather corn kernels

aleuromancy     divination using flour or meal

alomancy     divination using salt

alphitomancy     divination using loaves of barley

alveromancy     divination using sounds

ambulomancy     divination by taking a walk

amniomancy     divination by examining afterbirth

anthomancy     divination using flowers

anthracomancy     divination using burning coals

anthropomancy     divination using human entrails

apantomancy     divination using objects at hand

arithmancy     divination using numbers

armomancy     divination by examining one’s shoulders

aspidomancy     divination by sitting and chanting within a circle

astragalomancy     divination using dice or knucklebones

astromancy     divination using stars

austromancy     divination using wind

axinomancy     divination using an axe or hatchet

batraquomancy     divination using frogs

belomancy     divination by means of arrows

bibliomancy     divination by opening a book at random

botanomancy     divination using burning branches or plants

brontomancy     divination using thunder

capnomancy     divination by means of smoke

cartomancy     telling fortunes using playing cards

catoptromancy     divination by examining mirror placed underwater

causimancy     divination by means of fire

ceneromancy     divination using ashes

cephalonomancy     divination by boiling an ass head

ceraunomancy     divination using thunderbolts

ceraunoscopy     divination using lightning

ceromancy     divination by means of wax drippings

ceroscopy     divination using wax

chaomancy     divination by examining phenomena of the air

chirognomy     divination by studying the hands

chiromancy     divination by means of palmistry

chronomancy     divination by means of time

cleidomancy     divination using keys

cleromancy     divination using dice

conchomancy     divination using shells

coscinomancy     divination using a sieve and a pair of shears

crithomancy     divination by strewing meal over sacrifices

critomancy     divination using viands and cakes

cromnyomancy     divination using onions

crystallomancy     divination by means of clear objects

crystalomancy     divination using a crystal globe

cubomancy     divination by throwing dice

dactyliomancy     divination by means of a finger

dactylomancy     divination using rings

daphnomancy     divination using a laurel

demonomancy     divination using demons

dririmancy     divination by observing dripping blood

emonomancy     divination using demons

enoptromancy     divination using mirrors

eromancy     divination using water vessels

extispicy     divination using entrails

floromancy     belief that flowers have feelings

gastromancy     divination by sounds from the belly

geloscopy     fortune-telling by means of laughter

geomancy     divination by casting earth onto a surface

grafology     divination by studying writing

graptomancy     divination by studying handwriting

gyromancy     divination by falling from dizziness

halomancy     divination using salt

haruspication     divination by inspecting animal entrails

hematomancy     divination using blood

hepatoscopy     divination by examining animal livers

hieromancy     divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice

hieroscopy     divination using entrails

hippomancy     divination using horses

hydromancy     divination using water

hypnomancy     divination using sleep

ichnomancy     divination using footprints

ichthyomancy     divination by inspecting fish entrails

iconomancy     divination using icons

idolomancy     divination using idols

kephalonomancy     divination using a baked ass’s head

keraunoscopia     divination using thunder

knissomancy     divination using burning incense

labiomancy     lip reading

lampadomancy     divination by flame

lecanomancy     divination using water in a basin or pool

libanomancy     divination by watching incense smoke

lithomancy     divination by stones or meteorites

logarithmancy     divination by means of algorithms

logomancy     divination using words

macromancy     divination using large objects

maculomancy     divination using spots

margaritomancy     divination using pearls

mathemancy     divination by counting

meconomancy     divination using sleep

meteoromancy     divination by studying meteors

metopomancy     divination using the forehead or face

metoposcopy     fortune-telling or judgement of character by the lines of the forehead

micromancy     divination using small objects

myomancy     divination from the movements of mice

narcomancy     divination using sleep

necyomancy     divination by summoning Satan

nomancy     divination by examining letters of name

odontomancy     divination using teeth

oenomancy     divination by studying appearance of wine

oinomancy     divination using wine

ololygmancy     fortune-telling by the howling of dogs

omoplatoscopy     divination by observing cracks in burning scapulae

omphalomancy     divination from the knots in the umbilical cord

oneiromancy     divination by dreams

onomancy     divination using a donkey or ass

onomancy     divination using proper names

onychomancy     divination by the fingernails

onymancy     divination by the fingernails

oomancy     divination using eggs

ophidiomancy     divination using snakes

ophiomancy     divination by watching snakes

ornithomancy     divination by observing flight of birds

oryctomancy     divination using excavated objects

ossomancy     divination using bones

osteomancy     divination using bones

ouranomancy     divination using the heavens

pedomancy     divination by examining the soles of the feet

pegomancy     divination by springs or fountains

pessomancy     divination using pebbles

phyllomancy     divination using leaves or tea leaves

physiognomancy     divination by studying the face

psephomancy     divination by drawing lots or markers at random

psychomancy     divination by means of spirits

pyromancy     divination using fire

retromancy     divination by looking over one’s shoulder

rhabdomancy     divination using a rod or stick

rhapsodomancy     divination by opening works of poetry at random

scapulomancy     divination by examining burnt shoulder blade

scatomancy     divination by studying excrement

scatoscopy     divination by studying excrement; scatomancy

schematomancy     divination using the human form

sciomancy     divination using ghosts

scyphomancy     divination by means of a cup

selenomancy     divination by studying the moon

sideromancy     divination using stars; divination by burning straws

sortilege     divination by drawing lots

spasmatomancy     divination by twitching or convulsions of the body

spatilomancy     divination by means of feces

spheromancy     divination using a crystal ball

spodomancy     divination by means of ashes

stercomancy     fortune-telling by studying seeds in dung

stichomancy     divination by picking passages from books at random

stolisomancy     divination by observing how one dresses oneself

sycomancy     divination using fig leaves

tephromancy     divination by ashes

theomancy     divination by means of oracles

thrioboly     divination using pebbles

thumomancy     divination by means of one's own soul

tiromancy     divination using cheese

topomancy     divination using landforms

trochomancy     divination by studying wheel tracks

tyromancy     divination using cheese

uranomancy     divination by studying the heavens

urimancy     divination by observing urine

xenomancy     divination using strangers

xylomancy     divination by examining wood found in one’s path

zoomancy     divination by observing animals

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Experimenting :-)

 Divination is more about what happens inside your head than the tools. Anything can be used as an oracle, symbol, message, sign. So, I deci...