Divination methods, dictionary

abacomancy /ˈæbəkoʊmænsi/ (also amathomancy): by dust (Hebrew ’ābāq, dust + Greek manteia, prophecy)

Acultomancy, Acutomancy
by needles
(Latin acus [acut-], needle + Greek manteia, prophecy, influenced by Latin acūleus, needle)

aeromancy /ˈɛəroʊmænsi/:
by atmospheric conditions (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy)

/əˈɡɔːlmətoʊmænsi/: by statues
(Greek agalma [agalmat-], statue + manteia, prophecy)

aichmomancy /ˈɛkmoʊmænsi/: by sharp objects (Greek aikhmē, spearhead + manteia, prophecy)

alectormancy/alectromancy /əˈlɛktroʊmænsi/: by rooster sacrifice (Greek alektor, rooster + manteia, prophecy)

aleuromancy¹ /əˈljʊəroʊmænsi/: by flour; see also chartomancy (Greek aleuron, meal + manteia, prophecy)
alomancy/Halomancy /ˈæloʊmænsi/ (also adromancy):
by salt
(Greek hals, salt + manteia, prophecy)
- Divination by salt

by barley
(Greek alphis [alphit-], barley + manteia, prophecy)

alveromancy /ælˈvɪəroʊmænsi/:[citation needed] by sounds

amathomancy /ˈæməθoʊmænsi/ → see abacomancy by sand (Greek amathos, sandy soil + manteia, prophecy)

ambulomancy /ˈæmbjʊloʊmænsi/: by walking (Latin ambulāre, to walk + Greek manteia, prophecy)

amniomancy /ˈæmnioʊmænsi/: by placenta (Greek amniōn, amnion + manteia, prophecy)

anemoscopy/anemomancy /ˌænɪˈmɒskoʊpi/: by wind (Greek anemos, wind + -skopiā, observation)

anthomancy /ˈænθoʊmænsi/: by flowers (Greek anthos, flower + manteia, prophecy)

anthracomancy /ˈænθrəkoʊmænsi/: by burning coals (Greek anthrax [anthrak-], charcoal + manteia, prophecy)

anthropomancy /ænˈθrɒpoʊmænsi/: by human sacrifice (Greek anthrōpos, human being + manteia, prophecy)

anthroposcopy /ænθroʊˈpɒskoʊpi/: by physical appearance (Greek anthrōpos, human being + -skopiā, observation)

apantomancy /əˈpæntoʊmænsi/: by chance encounters with animals (Greek apantein, to encounter + manteia, prophecy)

arachnomancy /əˈræknoʊmænsi/: by spiders (Greek arakhnē, spider + manteia, prophecy)

archeomancy/archaeomancy /ˈɑːrkioʊmænsi/: by sacred relics (Greek arkhaios, ancient + manteia, prophecy)

ariolation /ˌærioʊˈleɪʃən/: by altars (Latin ariolus, hariolus, prophet)

arithmancy: assigning numerical value to a word or phrase

armomancy /ˈɑːrmoʊmænsi/: by one's own shoulders (Latin armus, shoulder + Greek manteia, prophecy)

aruspicina: study of entrails[1]

aspidomancy /ˈæspɪdoʊmænsi/: by sitting in a drawn circle (Greek aspis [aspid-], shield + manteia, prophecy)

astragalomancy/astragalamancy → see cleromancy

astragyromancy → see cleromancy (from astragalomancy above, perhaps influenced by Greek guros, spiral, circle, and therefore vertebra)

astrapomancy /ˈæstrəpoʊmænsi/: by lightning (Greek astrapē, lightning flash + manteia, prophecy)

astrology/astromancy/astroscopy /əˈstrɒloʊdʒi/: by celestial bodies (Greek astron, star + -logiā, study)

auramancy /ˈɔːrəmænsi/: by auras (Greek aurā, breath + manteia, prophecy)

by wind
(Latin auster, south wind + Greek manteia, prophecy)

avimancy → see orniscopy (Latin avis, bird + Greek manteia, prophecy)

axiomancy/axinomancy /ˈæksioʊmænsi/: by axes (Latin axis, axis + manteia, prophecy)


batraquomancy/batrachomancy /bəˈtrækoʊmænsi/: by frogs (Greek batrakhos, frog + manteia, prophecy)

belomancy/bolomancy /ˈbɛloʊmænsi/: by arrows (from bolomancy below, influenced by Greek

belemnon, javelin, or belonē, needle)

bibliomancy → see chartomancy

biorhythmic divination: by biorhythms

bolomancy /ˈbɒloʊmænsi/ → see belomancy (Greek bolē, arrow + manteia, prophecy)

botanomancy /boʊˈtænoʊmænsi/: by burning sage or figs (Greek botanē, flora + manteia, prophecy)

brizomancy → see oneiromancy (Greek brizein, to be sleepy + manteia, prophecy)

brontomancy/brontoscopy /ˈbrɒntoʊmænsi/: by thunder (Greek brontē, thunder + manteia, prophecy)

bumpology /bʌmˈpɒloʊdʒi/: by bumps on the skin (English bump + Greek -logiā, study)


canomancy /ˈkænoʊmænsi/ or /ˈkeɪnoʊmænsi/: by dogs (Latin canis, dog + Greek manteia, prophecy)

capnomancy /ˈkæpnoʊmænsi/: by smoke (Greek kapnos, smoke + manteia, prophecy)
     libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/: by smoke or ash from incense (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)[2]

carromancy /ˈkæroʊmænsi/: by melting wax (Greek karrō, of wax + manteia, prophecy)

cartopedy → see somatomancy (Latin carta, papyrus paper + pēs [pēd-], foot)

cartomancy → see chartomancy

catoptromancy/captromancy → see scrying

causimancy/causimomancy /ˈkɔːzɪmænsi/: by burning (Greek kaiein [kaus-], to burn + manteia, prophecy)

cephalomancy → see somatomancy

cephaleonomancy/cephalonomancy/ˌsɛfəliˈɒnoʊmænsi/: by boiling a donkey's head (Greek kephalaion, head [with meaning influenced by Greek onos, donkey] + manteia, prophecy)

ceraunoscopy /ˌsɛrəˈnɒskoʊpi/: by thunder and lightning (Greek keraunos, thunderbolt + -skopiā, observation)

ceromancy/ceroscopy /ˈsɛroʊmænsi/: by dripping wax in water (Greek kēros, wax + manteia, prophecy)

chalcomancy: by striking gongs or copper bowls (Greek khalkos, copper + manteia, prophecy)

chaomancy /ˈkeɪoʊmænsi/: by aerial visions (Greek khaos, primordial space + manteia, prophecy)

chartomancy /ˈkɑːrtoʊmænsi/: by things on paper (Greek khartēs, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)

cartomancy /ˈkɑːrtoʊmænsi/: by cards (Latin carta, papyrus paper + Greek manteia, prophecy)
  taromancy/tarotmancy /ˈtæroʊmænsi/: by tarot (English tarot + Greek manteia, prophecy)
  stichomancy /ˈstɪkoʊmænsi/: by books or lines (Greek stikhos, line of verse + manteia, prophecy)
  aleuromancy² /əˈljʊəroʊmænsi/: by fortune cookies (of the same origin as aleuromancy¹)
  bibliomancy /ˈbɪblioʊmænsi/: by the Bible (Greek biblion, book + manteia, prophecy)
  I Ching divination: by the I Ching or the accompanying I Ching manual
  stoicheomancy/stoichomancy: by the Iliad and the Odyssey or the Aeneid (Greek stoikheion, element + manteia, prophecy; to the Greeks, Homer's writings were held in similar esteem to the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran, as were Virgil's writings to the Romans, making them the basic — or elementary — reading material in each culture)

cheiromancy/chiromancy→ see somatomancy
cheirognomy/chirognomy → see somatomancy

chien tung → see kau cim

choriomancy /ˈkɒrioʊmænsi/: by pig bladders (Greek khorion, placenta + mantiea, prophecy)

chresmomancy /ˈkrɛsmoʊmænsi/: by the ravings of lunatics (Greek khrēsmos, oracular utterance, chresm + manteia, prophecy)

chronomancy /ˈkrɒnoʊmænsi/: by apt occasion (Greek khronos, time + manteia, prophecy)

cineromancy/ceneromancy → see spodomancy /ˈsɪnəroʊmænsi/ (Latin cinis [ciner-], ashes + Greek manteia, prophecy)

clamancy (see also Fāl-gūsh): by random shouts and cries heard in crowds, at night, etc. (Latin clāmāre, to cry out + Greek manteia, prophecy)

cledonism/cledonomancy /ˈklɛdoʊnɪzəm/: by chance events or overheard words (Greek klēdon, rumor)

cleidomancy/clidomancy /ˈklaɪdoʊmænsi/: by keys (Greek kleis [kleid-], key + manteia, prophecy)

cleromancy /ˈklɛroʊmænsi/: by casting (Greek klēros, lot + manteia, prophecy)
  astragalomancy/astragalamancy /əˈstræɡəloʊmænsi/ (also cubomancy): by dice (Greek astragalos, vertebra + manteia, prophecy)
  domino divination: by dominoes
  favomancy /ˈfævoʊmænsi/: by beans (Latin faba, bean + Greek manteia, prophecy)
  Ogham casting: by Ogham letters
  runecasting/Runic divination: by runes

cometomancy /koʊˈmɛtoʊmænsi/: by comet tails (Greek komētēs, comet + manteia, prophecy)

colormancy/coloromancy: by colors (English color + Greek manteia, prophecy)

conchomancy /ˈkɒŋkoʊmænsi/: by shells (Greek konkhē, mussel + manteia, prophecy)

cosquinomancy/coscinomancy /koʊˈsɪnoʊmænsi/: by hanging sieves (Greek koskinōn, sieve + manteia, prophecy)

cottabomancy/cottobomancy /ˈkɒtəboʊmænsi/: by wine in a brass bowl (Greek kottabos, cottabus + manteia, prophecy)

craniognomy /ˌkreɪniˈɒɡnoʊmi/ or /ˌkreɪniˈɒnəmi/ → see somatomancy (Greek krānion, skull + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)

the crawling baby: by a baby's crawling

crithomancy/critomancy /ˈkrɪθoʊmænsi/: by barley cakes (Greek krithē, barley + manteia, prophecy)

cromnyomancy/cromniomancy /ˈkrɒmnioʊmænsi/: by onion sprouts (alteration of Greek krommuon, onion + manteia, prophecy)

cryptomancy /ˈkrɪptoʊmænsi/: by omens (Greek kruptos, hidden + manteia, prophecy)

cryomancy /ˈkraɪoʊmænsi/: by ice (Greek kryo, ice )

crystal ball gazing → see scrying

crystal gazing → see scrying

/ˈkrɪstəloʊmænsi/ → see scrying (Greek krustallos, crystal + manteia, prophecy)

ˈkjuːboʊmænsi/ → see cleromancy (Greek kubos, cube + manteia, prophecy)

/ˈsaɪəθoʊmænsi/: by cups (Greek kuathos, cup + manteia, prophecy)

by computer oracles (English cyber(netics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)

cyclomancy /ˈsɪkloʊmænsi/ or /ˈsaɪkloʊmænsi/:
by wheels (Greek kuklos, circle + manteia, prophecy)


dactyliomancy /dækˈtɪlioʊmænsi/: by finger rings (Greek daktulios, finger ring + manteia, prophecy)
dactylomancy /ˈdæktɪloʊmænsi/ : by means of finger movements (Greek daktulos, finger + manteia, prophecy)
daphnomancy /ˈdæfnoʊmænsi/: by burning laurel wreaths (Greek daphnē, laurel + manteia, prophecy)
demonomancy /dɪˈmɒnoʊmænsi/: by demons (Greek daimōn, divine power + manteia, prophecy)
dendromancy /ˈdɛndroʊmænsi/: by trees, especially oaks, yews, or mistletoe (Greek dendron, tree + manteia, prophecy)
deuteroscopy /ˌdjuːtəˈrɒskoʊpi/: by second glance or double take (Greek deuteros, secondary + -skopiā, observation)
dictiomancy /ˈdɪkʃoʊmænsi/: by randomly opening a dictionary (English dictio(nary) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
divining → see dowsing
djubed → see scrying
dōbutsu uranai: by animal horoscope (Japanese dōbutsu, animal + uranai, prognostication)
domino divination → see cleromancy
dowsing (also divining, water witching): by a divining rod (of unknown origin)
dracomancy /ˈdrækoʊmænsi/: by dragons (Greek drakōn, dragon + manteia, prophecy)
dream questions: by dreaming
dririmancy/driromancy /ˈdrɪərɪmænsi/: by dripping blood (alteration of drimimancy, influenced by Middle English drir, blood)
drimimancy/drymimancy /ˈdrɪmɪmænsi/: by bodily fluids (Greek drimus, pungent + manteia, prophecy)


electromancy: by lightning and electricity (Greek ilektros electric + manteia prophecy)
eleomancy/elaeomancy: by oil (Greek elaion, olive oil + manteia, prophecy)
emonomancy → see demonomancy[citation needed]
empirimancy: by experiment/experience
empyromancy /ɛmˈpaɪəroʊmænsi/: by burning (Greek empurios, fiery + manteia, prophecy)
enochian chess: by playing a four·handed variant of the game
enoptromancy /ɛˈnɒptroʊmænsi/ → see scrying (Greek enoptron, looking glass + manteia, prophecy)
enthusiasm: speeches by those supposed to be possessed by a divine spirit[3]
entomomancy/entomancy: by insects (Greek entomon, insect + manteia, prophecy)
eromancy /ˈɛroʊmænsi/: by water vessels exposed to air (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy) — cf. aeromancy
extispicy/extispication /ɛkˈstɪspɪsi/: by the remains of sacrificed animals (Latin exta, entrails + specere, to look at)


favomancy → see cleromancy

by flowers
(Latin flōs [flōr-], flower + Greek -graphiā, representation)
- Victorian Flower Oracle
- Victorian language of flowers - Floriography
- Floromancy

fractomancy /ˈfræktoʊmænsi/: by fractals (English fract(al) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
fructomancy/fructimancy: by fruit (Latin frūctus, fruit + Greek manteia, prophecy)


galvanoscopy /ˌɡælvəˈnɒskoʊpi/: by galvanism (English galvan(ism) + Greek -skopiā, observation)
gastromancy¹ → see scrying
gastromancy² /ˈɡæstroʊmænsi/: by guttural sounds (Greek gastēr, belly + manteia, prophecy)
geomancy /ˈdʒiːoʊmænsi/: by earth (Greek Gaia|gē, earth + manteia, prophecy)
  feng Shui divination: by Feng Shui
geloscopy /dʒɪˈlɒskoʊpi/: by laughter (Greek gelōs, laughter + -skopiā, observation)
gematria: by the Hebrew alphabet (Greek gē, earth + -metriā, measurement)
genethlialogy: by birth dates (Greek genethlios, birthday + -logiā, study)
grammomancy /ˈɡræmoʊmænsi/: by writing individual letters (Greek gramma, letter + manteia, prophecy)
graphology /ɡræˈfɒloʊdʒi/ (also graptomancy): by studying handwriting (Greek graphē, writing + -logiā, study)
graptomancy /ˈɡræptoʊmænsi/ → see graphology (Greek graptos, written + manteia, prophecy)
gyromancy /ˈdʒaɪəroʊmænsi/: by dizziness (Greek gūros, spiral + manteia, prophecy)


hagiomancy: by saints (Greek hagios, holy + manteia, prophecy)
halomancy /ˈhæloʊmænsi/ → see alomancy
hakata: by bones or dice
haruspicy/haruspication /həˈrʌspɪsi/ → see hepatoscopy (Latin haru-, entrails + specere, to look at)
hematomancy/haematomancy /ˈhɛmətoʊmænsi, ˈhiː-/: by blood (Greek haima [haimat-], blood + manteia, prophecy)
hepatoscopy/hepatomancy /ˈhɛpətoʊmænsi/ (also haruspicy, haruspication): by liver (Greek hēpar [hēpat-], liver + -skopiā, observation)
/ˈhaɪəroʊmænsi, ˈhaɪ.ər-/:
by studying sacrifices' entrails (Greek hieros, holy + manteia, prophecy)

aspect of the Stars at nativity[4] (Greek hōrā, season + -skopiā, observation)

 hydromancy/hydroscopy, also adryomancy (metathesis of hydromancy) and ydromancy
by water (Greek hudōr, water + manteia, prophecy)
- Water Gazing
- Hydromancy or Water Scrying
- Different types of scrying
- Mirror scrying
- Black mirror scrying
- mirror scrying 2
Also see
cyclicomancy, divining by swirling water in a cup (You put water in a bowl, swirl it and look)
hydatomancy, by rainwater
lecanomancy or lecanoscopy, by a basin of water

One could think dowsing for water or bletonism could be used as a divination method, but it's not for telling the future, but for telling where hidden things hide, and in this case, water. So I don't think it belongs to this. One can use dowsing rod as divination tool (oracle) the same way as one uses a pendulum - asking the questions of the rod and seeing how it reacts as if when finding water. There are two schools of this, one thinks water dowsing is a totally scientific method, and based on the willow's desire to water, and they think it's offensive to even suggest one could use a dowsing rod for fortune telling. 

 hyomancy: by wild hogs (Greek hūs, swine + manteia, prophecy)
hypnomancy /ˈhɪpnoʊmænsi/: by sleep (Greek hupnos, sleep + manteia, prophecy)


I Ching divination → see chartomancy
by footprints (Greek ikhnos, track + manteia, prophecy)

by icons (Greek eikōn, image + manteia, prophecy)

idolomancy /aɪˈdɒloʊmænsi/: by idols (Greek eidōlon, phantom + manteia, prophecy)
idromancy → see alomancy (Greek idrōs, sweat + manteia, prophecy)
ifá: geomancy patterns generated with palm nuts, opele, cowrie shells, etc... that refer to Ifa Divination texts; a collection of odu Ifa verses.
iridology: by eye color (Greek īris [īrid-], iris + -logiā, study)
isopsephy: by numbers and letters (Greek īsos, equal + psephos, pebble)


Jyotish Vedic system of astrology


kabbalah/qabalah/cabala: by the Kabbalah (Hebrew qabbālâ, tradition)
kau cim: by bamboo
kayu ura: by rice gruel
kephalonomancy /kəˈfælənoʊmænsi/ → see cephaleonomancy
keraunomancy /kɪˈrɒnoʊmænsi/ → see ceraunoscopy
knissomancy /ˈnɪsoʊmænsi/: by incense (Greek knisa [kniss-], vapor + manteia, prophecy)
kypomancy → see phyllomancy (akin to Greek kupellon, goblet + manteia, prophecy)


labiomancy /ˈleɪbioʊmænsi/: by lips (Latin labium, lip + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lampadomancy /ˈlæmpədoʊmænsi/: by flame (Greek lampas [lampad-], light + manteia, prophecy)
letnomancy: by secrets (English let no (man see) + Greek manteia, prophecy)libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/ → see capnomancy and spodomancy (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)
literomancy /ˈlɪtəroʊmænsi/: by a letter in a written language (Latin lītera, letter + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lithomancy /ˈlɪθoʊmænsi/: by gems or stones (Greek lithos, stone + manteia, prophecy)
logarithmancy /ˌlɒɡəˈrɪθmənsi/: by logarithms (English logarith(m) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
logomancy /ˈlɒɡoʊmænsi/: by words (Greek logos, word + manteia, prophecy)
lots: divination through chance, or the drawing or tossing of lots[5]
lunamancy → see selenomancy (Latin lūna, moon + Greek manteia, prophecy)
lychnomancy /ˈlɪknoʊmænsi/: by candles (Greek lukhnos, lamp + manteia, prophecy)


macharomancy: by swords or knives (Greek makhaira, dirk + manteia, prophecy)
macromancy /ˈmækroʊmænsi/: by large objects (Greek makros, large + manteia, prophecy)
maculomancy /ˈmækjʊloʊmænsi/: by spots on the skin (Latin macula, spot + manteia, prophecy)
mahjong divination: by Mahjong tiles
margaritomancy /ˌmɑːrɡəˈrɪtoʊmænsi/: by bouncing pearls (Greek margarītēs, pearl + manteia, prophecy)
mathemancy /ˈmæθɪmænsi/: by mathematics (English mathe(matics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
mazomancy /ˈmæzoʊmænsi/: by nursing (Greek mazos, breast + manteia, prophecy)
meconomancy /mɪˈkoʊnoʊmænsi/: by sleeping (Greek mēkōn, poppy [i.e., an opiate] + manteia, prophecy)
megapolisomancy: by large cities (English megalopolis + Greek manteia, prophecy)
meilomancy: by moles
metagnomy /mɪˈtæɡnoʊmi/ or /mɪˈtænoʊmi/: by magic (Greek meta-, beside + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
meteormancy /ˈmiːtioʊrmænsi/: by meteors (English meteor + Greek manteia, prophecy)
meteoromancy /ˌmiːtiˈɒroʊmænsi/: by thunder and lightning (Greek meteōron, heavenly phenomenon + manteia, prophecy)
metoposcopy/metopomancy /ˌmɛtoʊˈpɒskoʊpi/: by the lines of the forehead[6] (Greek metōpon, forehead + -skopiā, observation)
micromancy /ˈmaɪkroʊmænsi/: by small objects (Greek mikros, small + manteia, prophecy)
moleosophy /moʊˈlɒsoʊfi/ or /ˌmoʊliˈɒsoʊfi/: by blemishes (English mole + Greek sophiā, knowledge)

by molten metal (Greek molubdos, lead + manteia, prophecy)
- Molybdomancy; tin or lead casting


narcomancy /ˈnɑːrkoʊmænsi/: by sleep (Greek narkē, numbness + manteia, prophecy)
natimancy → see somatomancy (Latin natis, buttock + Greek manteia, prophecy)
necromancy¹ /ˈnɛkroʊmænsi/: by speaking to the dead, by corpses[7] (Greek nekros, corpse + manteia, prophecy)
necyomancy /ˈniːsioʊmænsi/: by summoning damned souls (Greek nekuiā, invocation + manteia, prophecy)
nephomancy /ˈnɛfoʊmænsi/: by clouds (Greek nephos, cloud + manteia, prophecy)
nigromancy /ˈnaɪɡroʊmænsi/: by black magic (Latin niger, black + Greek manteia, prophecy)
nomancy /ˈnɒmənsi/ or /ˈnoʊmənsi/ → see onomancy (variant of onomancy, influenced by Latin nōmen, name)
notarikon/netrikon: by initials (Latin notāricus, in shorthand)

by numbers
(Latin numerus, number + Greek -logia, branch of study)

by coins
(Greek nomisma [nomismat-], coin + manteia, prophecy)
- Divination with coins
- I Ching


oculomancy /ˈɒkjʊloʊmænsi/: by eyes (Latin oculus, eye + Greek manteia, prophecy)
odontomancy /oʊˈdɒntoʊmænsi/: by teeth (Greek odous [odont-], tooth + manteia, prophecy)
oenomancy/oinomancy /ˈiːnoʊmænsi/: by wine (Greek oinos, wine + manteia, prophecy)
ololygmancy /oʊˈlɒlɪɡmænsi/: by the howling of dogs (Greek ololuzō [ololug-], howl + manteia, prophecy)
omoplatoscopy → see scapulimancy (Greek ōmoplatē, shoulder blade + -skopiā, observation)
omphalomancy /ˈɒmfəloʊmænsi/: by navels (Greek omphalos, navel + manteia, prophecy)
oneiromancy/oneiroscopy /oʊˈnɪəroʊmænsi/: by dreams (Greek oneiros, dream + manteia, prophecy)
onimancy /ˈɒnɪmænsi/ → see onychomancy
onomancy/onomomancy/nomancy /ˈɒnoʊmænsi/: by letters in a name (Greek onoma, name + manteia, prophecy)
onomomancy /oʊˈnoʊmoʊmænsi/ → see onomancy
onychomancy/onymancy/onimancy /oʊˈnɪkoʊmænsi/: by finger· and toenails (Greek onux [onukh-], nail + manteia, prophecy)
onymancy /ˈɒnɪmænsi/ → see onychomancy

/ˈoʊoʊmænsi/ (also ovomancy):
by eggs
(Greek ōion, egg + manteia, prophecy)
 ophthalmomancy → see oculomancy (Greek ophthalmos, eye + manteia, prophecy)

organoscopy → see phrenology (Greek organon, organ + -skopiā, observation)

oromancy: by mountains (Greek oros, mountain + manteia, prophecy)

oryctomancy: by minerals (Greek oruktos, dug + manteia, prophecy)

ossomancy → see osteomancy (Latin os [oss-], bone + Greek manteia, prophecy)

osteomancy: by bones (Greek osteon, bone + manteia, prophecy)

Ouija/Ouije: by ouija board (French oui, yes + German ja, yes)

ouranomancy → see uranomancy

ovomancy → see oomancy (Latin ōvum, egg + manteia, prophecy)


pallomancy: by pendulums (Greek pallein, to sway + manteia, prophecy)
palmistry/palm reading → see somatomancy (Latin palma, palm)
papyromancy: by folding paper, especially paper money (Greek papūros, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)
pedomancy → see somatomancy (from podomancy, influenced by Latin pēs [pēd-], foot)
pegomancy: by fountains (Greek pēgē, spring + manteia, prophecy)
pessomancy: by pebbles (Greek pessos, oval pebble + manteia, prophecy)
pecthimancy/petchimancy: by brushed cloth (possibly akin to Greek pekein, to card wool, or pēktē, netting + manteia, prophecy)
phobomancy: by feelings of fear (Greek phobos, fear + manteia, prophecy)
photomancy: by fields of light (Greek phōs [phōt-], light + manteia, prophecy)
phrenology (also organoscopy): by the configuration of one's brain (Greek phrēn, mind + -logiā, study)
phyllomancy: by leaves (Greek phullon, leaf + manteia, prophecy)
  sycomancy: by fig leaves (Greek sūkon, fig + manteia, prophecy)
  tasseography/tasseomancy (also kypomancy): by tea leaves or coffee grounds (French tasse, cup + Greek -graphiā, representation)
phyllorhodomancy: by rose petals (Greek phullon, leaf + rhodon, rose + manteia, prophecy)
physiognomy/physiognomancy: by faces (Greek phusis, nature + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
phytognomy: by the appearance of plants (Greek phuton, plant + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
plastromancy: by cracks formed by heat on a turtle's plastron (English plastron + manteia, prophecy)
pilimancy: by observing the patterns produced by a collection of human hair.
plumbomancy: by observing shapes molten lead makes when poured in water (Latin plumbum, lead + Greek manteia, prophecy)
pneumancy: by blowing (Greek pneuma, breath + manteia, prophecy)
podomancy/pedomancy → see somatomancy
poe divination: by throwing stones on the floor, practised at Taoist temples
portenta (also ostenta): study of natural phenomena[8]
psephomancy: by lots or ballots (Greek psephos, pebble + manteia, prophecy)
pseudomancy: by false means, such as Peter Answers (Greek pseudēs, false + manteia, prophecy)
psychognomy: by phrenological notations (Greek psūkhē, soul + -gnōmoniā, observation)
psychomancy → see necromancy¹ (Greek psūkhē, soul + manteia, prophecy)
ptarmoscopy/ptarmoscopie: from ancient Greek the interpretation of sneezes[9]
pyromancy/pyroscopy: by fire (Greek pūr, fire + manteia, prophecy)


radiesthesia: by rods, pendulums, or other cylindrical tools (Latin radius, spoke + Greek -aisthēsiā, sensing)
retromancy: by looking over one's shoulder (Latin retrō, behind + Greek manteia, prophecy)
rhabdomancy/rabdomancy: by rods, sticks, or wands (Greek rhabdos, rod + manteia, prophecy)
rhapsodomancy: by poetry (Greek rhapsōidiā, verse + manteia, prophecy)
roadomancy: by constellations (apparently from Old English rodor, firmament + Greek manteia, prophecy)
rumpology → see somatomancy

runecasting → see cleromancy

Runecasting, Runomancy
- Neil Giles on the magical tradition of the Runes
- The origins of the rune stones
- Rune Magick
- meaning of the runes


scapulimancy/scapulomancy (also spatulamancy, omoplatoscopy): by bovine or caprid shoulder blades (Latin scapula, shoulder blade + Greek manteia, prophecy)
scarpomancy: by old shoes (Italian scarpa, shoe + Greek manteia, prophecy)
scatomancy: by excrement (Greek skōr [skat-], excrement + manteia, prophecy)
schematomancy → see somatomancy
sciomancy¹ (also shadowmancy): by shadows (Greek skiā, shadow + manteia, prophecy)
sciomancy²: by spirits (of the same origin as sciomancy¹)

scrying: by gazing (shortened from descrying)
  crystal gazing: by reflective objects
  catoptromancy/captromancy (also enoptromancy, djubed): by mirrors (Greek katoptron, mirror + manteia, prophecy)
  gastromancy¹ (also crystallomancy, spheromancy, crystal ball gazing): by crystal ball (Greek gastēr, belly [i.e., round object] + manteia, prophecy)
selenomancy: by the moon (Greek selēnē, moon + manteia, prophecy)
shadowmancy → see sciomancy¹ (English shadow + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Shufflemancy: by the use of an electronic media player such as an electronic playlist, iPod, or other medium wherein one skips a certain number of songs and the lyrics and/or tune of the song is the answer to the divinatory question.
sideromancy: by burning straw with an iron (Greek sidēros, iron + manteia, prophecy)
sikidy: by drawing sixteen lines in sand (perhaps a Malagasy transliteration of English sixteen)
skatharomancy: by beetle tracks (Greek skatharōn, spot + manteia, prophecy)
slinneanachd/slinnanacht: by animal shoulder blades (Scottish Gaelic slinnean, shoulder blade)
solaromancy: by the sun (Latin sōl [sōlār-], sun + Greek manteia, prophecy)
somatomancy: by the human form (Greek sōma [sōmat-], body + manteia, prophecy)
  cephalomancy (also craniognomy): by skulls (Greek kephalē, head + manteia, prophecy)
  cheiromancy/chiromancy (kī'rə·măn·sē; also palmistry, palm reading): by palms[10] (Greek kheir, hand + manteia, prophecy)
  cheirognomy/chirognomy /kaɪˈrɒɡnoʊmi, -ˈrɒnoʊ-/: by hands (Greek kheir, hand + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
  podomancy/pedomancy (also cartopedy): by the soles of one's feet (Greek pous [pod-], foot + manteia, prophecy)
  rumpology (also natimancy): by buttocks (English rump + Greek -logiā, study)
  schematomancy: by the face (Greek skhēma [skhēmat-], figure + manteia, prophecy)
sortilege: by the casting of lots, or sortes
sortes virgilianae: by Vergil's Aeneid
spasmatomancy: by convulsions (alteration of *spasmodomancy, from Greek spasmos [spasmōd-], spasm + manteia, prophecy)
spatilomancy: by animal excrement (Greek spatilē, excrement + manteia, prophecy)
spatulamancy → see scapulimancy (from scapulimancy, influenced by Latin spatula, splint)
spheromancy → see scrying (Greek sphaira, sphere + manteia, prophecy)
sphondulomancy: by spindles (Greek sphondulos, spindle + manteia, prophecy)
splanchnomancy → see anthropomancy (Greek splankhna, innards + manteia, prophecy)
spodomancy: by soot (Greek spodos, wood ashes + manteia, prophecy)
  cineromancy/ceneromancy: by the ashes of a specifically sacrificial or ritual fire
  libanomancy /laɪˈbænoʊmænsi/: by smoke or ash from incense (Greek libanos, frankincense + manteia, prophecy)
  tephramancy/tephromancy: by tree bark ashes, by sacrificial or ritual fire ashes, or human sacrificial victim ashes (Greek tephrā, ash + manteia, prophecy)
stareomancy: by the four elements (Greek stais [stair-], dough + manteia, prophecy)
stercomancy: by seeds in bird excrement (Latin stercus, excrement + Greek manteia, prophecy)
sternomancy: by ridges on the breastbone (Greek sternon, breastbone + manteia, prophecy)
stichomancy → see chartomancy
stigonomancy: by burning writing onto bark (Greek stizein [stigōn-], to brand + manteia, prophecy)
stoicheomancy/stoichomancy → see chartomancy
stolisomancy: by fashion (Greek stolis, garment + manteia, prophecy)
styramancy: by observing patterns produced by chewing gum, gum wax, or products produced by the L. styraciflua tree.
sycomancy → see phyllomancy
symbolomancy: by things found on the road (Greek sumbolon, sign + manteia, prophecy)


taromancy → see chartomancy

tasseography/tasseomancy → see phyllomancy

by technology (English techno(logy) + Greek manteia, prophecy)

 tephramancy/tephromancy: → see spodomancy (Greek tephrā, ash + manteia, prophecy)

theomancy: foretelling events, prophecy (Greek theos, god + manteia, prophecy)

theriomancy, zoomancy
by animal behavior
(Greek thēr, wild animal or zōion, being + manteia, prophecy)

- ailuromancy or felidomancy
by cats
 (Greek ailouros, cat Latin fēlēs [fēlid-], cat + manteia, prophecy)

- alectryomancy/alectoromancy
by rooster behavior
(Greek alektruōn, cockerel + manteia, prophecy)

- augury:
by bird formations
(Latin augur, diviner)

- auspicy/auspication
(Latin avis, bird + specere, to look at)

-  hippomancy
by horse behavior
(Greek hippos, horse + manteia, prophecy)

-  ichthyomancy
by fish behavior
(Greek ikhthūs, fish + manteia, prophecy)

-  myomancy
by rodent behavior
(Greek mūs, mouse + manteia, prophecy)

-  myrmomancy
by ant behavior
(Greek murmēx, ant + manteia, prophecy)

-  nggàm:
by spider or crab behavior
(Mambila nggàm, divination)

-  ophidiomancy/ophiomancy:
by snakes behavior
(Greek ophis [ophid-], snake + manteia, prophecy)

-  orniscopy/ornithomancy
(also auspicy/auspication, avimancy):
by bird migration
(Greek ornīs [ornīth-], bird + -skopiā, observation)

thumomancy /ˈθjuːmoʊmænsi/: by one's own soul, presage[15] (Greek thūmos, soul + manteia, prophecy)

topomancy /ˈtɒpoʊmænsi/: by geography and geological formations (Greek topos, place + manteia, prophecy)

transataumancy: by things accidentally seen or heard

trochomancy /ˈtrɒkoʊmænsi/: by wheel ruts (Greek trokhos, wheel + manteia, prophecy)

turifumy: by shapes in smoke (Latin tūs [tūr-], incense + fūmus, vapor)

tyromancy/tiromancy /ˈtaɪəroʊmænsi/: by cheese (Greek tūros, cheese + manteia, prophecy)

umbilicomancy: by umbilical cords (English umbilic(al cord) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
umbromancy: by shade (Latin umbra, shadow + Greek manteia, prophecy)
uranomancy/ouranomancy: by the sky (Greek ouranos, firmament + manteia, prophecy)
uromancy/urimancy: by urine (Greek ouron, urine + manteia, prophecy)
urticariaomancy: by itches (New Latin urticāria, hives + Greek manteia, prophecy)

videomancy: by films
(English video + Greek manteia, prophecy)

xenomancy: by strangers (Greek xenos, stranger + manteia, prophecy)
xylomancy: by the shape or texture of wood, or the appearance of burning wood (Greek xulon, wood + manteia, prophecy)

zygomancy: by weights (Greek zugon, yoke, balance + manteia, prophecy)

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Experimenting :-)

 Divination is more about what happens inside your head than the tools. Anything can be used as an oracle, symbol, message, sign. So, I deci...