Friday, March 7, 2014

Egyptian Dream Scrying

Ancient Egyptians believed in the power of dreams to bring messages from their many gods. Their methods of dream scrying may be traced back thousands of years and were recorded in their ancient texts and on hieroglyphic writings. Some of their techniques were later used by other ancient civilizations. There's Greek magical papyri describing the Egyptian dream scrying, which were written between 200 B.C. to 500 A.D.

The priests and priestesses used scrying as part of their initiation ceremonies. Water or oil was placed in a darkened vessel. The Initiate would enter an altered state then gaze into the vessel. Images would appear with messages about the work and destiny of the Initiate.

On the day you scry - find a place of solitude and remain alone. You must not speak to anyone on the evening you plan to scy. You should remain in silence after the setting of the sun.

Do not consume alcohol on that day or engage in sex. You must refrain from consuming food for up to four hours before the scrying.

Take a warm relaxing bath then anoint your temples with olive oil. You will need an oil lamp which must not be coloured red or bear any inscription.

Choose the God you wish to address. Thoth was well used by Egyptians.

Write on a short narrow strip of white linen with ink mixed with myrrh the name of the dream God and the purpose for the dream scrying. Twist the linen strip into a wick and insert into the oil of the lamp. Place the lamp on a table beside your bed.

Using the ink draw the image of the dream God upon your left palm.

Light your lamp. Kneel before the lamp.

Concentrating on the image on your left hand recite the following invocation :

Thoth, (use name of desired god) I invoke, blessed power of
dreams divine,
Angel of future fates, swift wings are thine,
Great source of oracles to human kind,
When stealing soft, and whispering to the mind,
Through sleep's sweet silence and the gloom of night,
Thy power awake the sight,
To silent souls the will of heaven relates,
And silently reveals their future fates.

Concentrate on your question. Around your left hand wrap a piece of black linen about four inches wide and about thirty inches long. The black cloth is called the black eye of Isis. - the Magic of Isis - or Black Isis.

Blow out the lamp's flame. Clear your mind and go to sleep.

Have a tape recorder or pen and paper beside your bed so that when you awaken you may record your dreams while still fresh in your mind.

You will find that the dream will come to you in a voice that is clear and powerful rather than in dream images. Sometimes the messages are in symbols - cryptic forms. Take your time in deciphering the messages you have received. You may want to use a dream dictionary to interpret messages given, if possible. They are often archetypes from your subconscious mind, perhaps from an Egyptian lifetime.

Talking-to-Ancestors Ritual

As the Moon wanes in Pisces, this is a wonderful time to connect to, and ask for messages from, our ancestors.
Begin your work by finding a few pictures of an ancestor you want to contact. Place these pictures on your altar, and light some ceremonial candles.
Then make some dream tea (two parts valerian, two parts hops, one part mugwort, and one part licorice). You can find loose herbs at any health food store.
After brewing a good cup, drink it while visualizing the qualities and other traits of your ancestors.
Then say: "Healing tea, let me sleep. Bring me messages from the deep." Ask for messages from these relatives, and then lie down to sleep.
In the morning write down your dreams. You will likely have had a visitor.

by Jonathan Keyes
Llewellyn's Spell-a-Day 07/06/04

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